Recently launched in the United Kingdom, the British version of the internationally acclaimed River Belle Online Casino looks set to make its maiden voyage a winning one. Living up to its reputation of providing quality entertainment and first-class gaming service, the River Belle is one stately steamer that you should prepare to board.
Once you set sail, a revolution in online gaming awaits - VIPER software. Offering over 110 of the finest interactive casino games, VIPER software boasts state-of-the-art sound and graphics, as well as features such as Expert Mode, AutoPlay and Game Statistics for improved play. With old favourites such as Blackjack, Slots and Video Poker on offer, as well as the latest in Progressive Jackpots to look forward to, gaming becomes a pleasure aboard the 'Belle.
When you play, you also expect to win. And New Real Account Players start winning from the moment they set foot on the 'Belle, in the form of a ú25 New Player Bonus. Real Account Players also receive the River Belle's monthly newsletter, the First Mate's Report, detailing that month's promotions and prize giveaways. The more promotions you take part in, the more chance you have of capitalising on the many winning opportunities the River Belle offers you.
Another opportunity you will want to take advantage of is the chance to bank online within a secure environment. Not only are you offered a selection of 6 user-friendly purchase options, but you are also able to conduct all your transactions safe in the knowledge that your player privacy and security are being safeguarded by the most sophisticated encryption technology on the Internet.
To ensure your peace of mind even further, the River Belle also provides a comprehensive support structure of 24/7 online and telephonic contacts, should you wish to make any queries or suggestions. Of course, the only suggestion that needs making is for you to experience all of these benefits first-hand, by enjoying the Southern Hospitality of the River Belle Online Casino.